Sunday, March 15, 2015

Download free Iphone movies

If you are among the thousands of people looking to download free Iphone movies, hopefully this article will be of some use to you. The Iphone’s popularity already seems set to eclipse that of the Ipod. Apple cemented their place in history with the Ipod, and by all indications look like they will be even more popular due to their latest breakthrough, the Iphone.

For reasons as yet unknown, it’s not currently possible to download movies or anything else directly onto the Iphone itself, instead, you will first need to download them to a computer and then transfer them across. This means you will of course need to have the use of a computer, and also an internet connection. Any fairly modern computer should be fine, and as far as the internet connections goes, the usual rule still applies – the faster the better!

The toughest thing about downloading Iphone movies is knowing where to get them from. True, you could get them from Itunes, and Apple are rumoured to be working on a native version of Itunes which will work on the Iphone itself and allow download of media while on the move. This will be pretty cool, but just like regular Itunes will probably cost you a fortune.

To combat this cost issue, many people currently use the file sharing or bit torrent sites to get their downloads from. This can seem good, as it’s very cost effective, but unfortunately you are breaking the law when you use these sites. That’s not even the worst part, torrent sites like this have no way of monitoring who uploads what, which makes them a real hacker’s playground. This is bad news as it means that sites like this are often the first places to begin the spread of new viruses and malware etc – the hackers simply upload their latest virus and name it as something currently popular. The downloader has no way of knowing what they are getting until it’s too late.

Not all sites are like this though, over the last year or so a far more healthy alternative has made itself known. There are now a few sites around where you can join their membership for a small fee and then get unlimited access to their downloads. These sites prove far safer and offer excellent value, and would definitely be recommended for their high speed and wide range.

This article should help you stay a little safer when looking for movie downloads for your new Iphone. Happy downloading!

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

How To Keep Your Computer From Spreading Viruses

There area unit some straightforward steps you want to desire avoid changing into a victim of pc viruses and additionally stop from spreading viruses to others. Here area unit some things that you just will and will do.

Email Issues to watch

Never open an E-mail with an attachment you were not expecting.

The latest batch of virus programs are often spread by E-mail. Even if your anti-virus program does not warn you about the attached file and even if the eMail appears to come from someone you know, do not open it if you were not expecting it, and if you were expecting it, only open it AFTER scanning it with your up-to-date virus software.

Scan ALL incoming email attachments (regardless of who sent it).

Be sure to run each attachment you plan to open through the anti-virus check. Do this even if you recognize and trust the sender; malicious code, like Trojan horses, can slip into your system by appearing to be from a friendly source.

Turn off the ‘automatic preview’ in your email program.

Automatically previewing an email message has the exact same effect as opening and reading an email. My of the newest internet worms, trojans, and viruses simply need to have an email message read in order for them to be activated. Turning off the preview feature allows you to scan any email BEFORE you actually read it.

Disk Issues to watch

Don’t boot from a floppy disk.

Floppies are one of the most common ways viruses are transmitted. If you are using a floppy while working on your computer, remove it when you shut the machine off or the computer will automatically try to boot from the floppy, perhaps launching any viruses on the disk.

Web Based Issues

Keep your web browser set to its highest security level.

Its a pain to get the warning messages on every other web page you visit, but its the best way to protect yourself – especially if you use Microsoft Internet Explorer and Outlook.

Don’t download programs from the Web.

Unreliable sources such as Internet newsgroups or Web sites that you haven’t heard of may be willing providers of viruses for your computer. Avoid downloading files you can’t be sure are safe. This includes freeware, screensavers, games, and any other executable program – any files with an “.exe” or “.com” extension, such as “coolgame.exe.” Check to see if the site has anti-virus software running on their side. If you do have to download from the Internet, be sure to scan each program before running it. Save all downloads to one folder, then run virus checks on everything in the folder before using it. Regardless of where you download from, ALWAYS scan downloaded software.

Routine Maintenance

Make regular back ups of important data

Make it a habit to back up all of your most important files at least once a month. Store the back up discs in a safe place.

Clean any virus/worm/trojan off your computer


Using your antivirus software, perform a full system scan of your PC, hopefully it will detect and remove the virus. If a virus was detected, restart your computer and run the full scan again. Sometime the virus will keep reappearing, due to the evolving nature of viruses. Symantec is particularly fast at providing removal tools should you ever get a virus or worm infesting your computer.

What is a removal tool? Well simply put it is a simple software that will scan your computer for infections, and then remove them from your machine. You most often need this if your machine got infected BEFORE you installed antivirus software.

Top Considerations for PC Protection

And the final and most important two things to do to keep your computer clean and make sure it does not spread viruses to other computers…

Install a Firewall

If you use a broadband/high-speed method to access the internet, you need to get a firewall. A firewall is a program that defends your computer from hackers who attempt to gain direct access to your computer over the Internet. There is a very good firewall program called ZoneAlarm that will do the trick if you use Windows.

Install and use a high-quality anti-virus program.

This is the key to protecting your computer. Buy one of the major anti-virus programs – Norton Anti-Virus, PC-Cillin, or McAfee Anti-Virus. The primary benefit of the commercial packages is the frequency and ease of updating the virus definition files that these programs use to detect viruses. With new viruses popping up all the time, unless your protection software is kept updated, you start to become ever more vulnerable to infection.

Get immediate protection.

Configure your anti-virus software to launch automatically on start-up and run at all times. This will provide you back-up protection in case you forget to scan an attachment, or decide not to. And in case you forget to load up your anti-virus software, configuring it to start by itself will ensure you get immediate protection anyway. The top antivirus software programs all do this (but only if you have one installed on your computer). You do have current antivirus software installed right? If not, you can go to this page for more information on why you need antivirus software and how easy it is to use.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Free fonts

Font image

Free fonts ar amongst the foremost fashionable downloads for entry level and skilled graphic designers and typographers. they'll offer how for designers to precise themselves unambiguously while not having to form a replacement font themselves or pay lots of cash buying a high priced professionally designed font to be used one time or doubly.

Aside from downloadable free fonts, there are numerous fonts that are available by default on all modern computers. Microsoft bundles a set of commonly used fonts with their Windows operating systems, as does Apple with OS X and many of the purveyors of Linux distros.

However, for more unique fonts, downloadable is the only way to go. Some of the most popular sites for free downloadable fonts include the following:

1001 Free Fonts, a site that offers far more than 1001 fonts, is currently one of the most popular sites for people looking to download free fonts. They offer fonts for both Windows and Mac OS X operating systems.

Dafont, a site that has grown in the past few years is now one of the largest destinations for free fonts. They seem to update more quickly than other sites, offer comments for each of their fonts, and they offer fonts for both Windows and Mac OS X operating systems.

Urbanfonts, a site that has a distinctly Web 2.0 style design and offers both free and commercial fonts (for a fee). Like 1001 Free Fonts and Dafont, Urbanfonts offers free fonts for both the Windows and the Mac OS X operating systems.

Are Free Fonts Worth the Download?

There are two distinct camps when it comes to free fonts. On one hand, many professional graphic designers believe that the only fonts worth downloading are those that are designed by professionals or those which have been crafted for a particular project.

However, for many entry level graphic designers and amateur typographers, free fonts can be a great way to learn about what makes a good font and can provide a number of impressive accents to their work.

The main problem with so many free fonts, though, is that they are modeled after fonts that have been engrained into the populace’s mind, making them useless for most semi-professional projects and all professional projects.