Sunday, March 15, 2015

Download free Iphone movies

If you are among the thousands of people looking to download free Iphone movies, hopefully this article will be of some use to you. The Iphone’s popularity already seems set to eclipse that of the Ipod. Apple cemented their place in history with the Ipod, and by all indications look like they will be even more popular due to their latest breakthrough, the Iphone.

For reasons as yet unknown, it’s not currently possible to download movies or anything else directly onto the Iphone itself, instead, you will first need to download them to a computer and then transfer them across. This means you will of course need to have the use of a computer, and also an internet connection. Any fairly modern computer should be fine, and as far as the internet connections goes, the usual rule still applies – the faster the better!

The toughest thing about downloading Iphone movies is knowing where to get them from. True, you could get them from Itunes, and Apple are rumoured to be working on a native version of Itunes which will work on the Iphone itself and allow download of media while on the move. This will be pretty cool, but just like regular Itunes will probably cost you a fortune.

To combat this cost issue, many people currently use the file sharing or bit torrent sites to get their downloads from. This can seem good, as it’s very cost effective, but unfortunately you are breaking the law when you use these sites. That’s not even the worst part, torrent sites like this have no way of monitoring who uploads what, which makes them a real hacker’s playground. This is bad news as it means that sites like this are often the first places to begin the spread of new viruses and malware etc – the hackers simply upload their latest virus and name it as something currently popular. The downloader has no way of knowing what they are getting until it’s too late.

Not all sites are like this though, over the last year or so a far more healthy alternative has made itself known. There are now a few sites around where you can join their membership for a small fee and then get unlimited access to their downloads. These sites prove far safer and offer excellent value, and would definitely be recommended for their high speed and wide range.

This article should help you stay a little safer when looking for movie downloads for your new Iphone. Happy downloading!

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

How To Keep Your Computer From Spreading Viruses

There area unit some straightforward steps you want to desire avoid changing into a victim of pc viruses and additionally stop from spreading viruses to others. Here area unit some things that you just will and will do.

Email Issues to watch

Never open an E-mail with an attachment you were not expecting.

The latest batch of virus programs are often spread by E-mail. Even if your anti-virus program does not warn you about the attached file and even if the eMail appears to come from someone you know, do not open it if you were not expecting it, and if you were expecting it, only open it AFTER scanning it with your up-to-date virus software.

Scan ALL incoming email attachments (regardless of who sent it).

Be sure to run each attachment you plan to open through the anti-virus check. Do this even if you recognize and trust the sender; malicious code, like Trojan horses, can slip into your system by appearing to be from a friendly source.

Turn off the ‘automatic preview’ in your email program.

Automatically previewing an email message has the exact same effect as opening and reading an email. My of the newest internet worms, trojans, and viruses simply need to have an email message read in order for them to be activated. Turning off the preview feature allows you to scan any email BEFORE you actually read it.

Disk Issues to watch

Don’t boot from a floppy disk.

Floppies are one of the most common ways viruses are transmitted. If you are using a floppy while working on your computer, remove it when you shut the machine off or the computer will automatically try to boot from the floppy, perhaps launching any viruses on the disk.

Web Based Issues

Keep your web browser set to its highest security level.

Its a pain to get the warning messages on every other web page you visit, but its the best way to protect yourself – especially if you use Microsoft Internet Explorer and Outlook.

Don’t download programs from the Web.

Unreliable sources such as Internet newsgroups or Web sites that you haven’t heard of may be willing providers of viruses for your computer. Avoid downloading files you can’t be sure are safe. This includes freeware, screensavers, games, and any other executable program – any files with an “.exe” or “.com” extension, such as “coolgame.exe.” Check to see if the site has anti-virus software running on their side. If you do have to download from the Internet, be sure to scan each program before running it. Save all downloads to one folder, then run virus checks on everything in the folder before using it. Regardless of where you download from, ALWAYS scan downloaded software.

Routine Maintenance

Make regular back ups of important data

Make it a habit to back up all of your most important files at least once a month. Store the back up discs in a safe place.

Clean any virus/worm/trojan off your computer


Using your antivirus software, perform a full system scan of your PC, hopefully it will detect and remove the virus. If a virus was detected, restart your computer and run the full scan again. Sometime the virus will keep reappearing, due to the evolving nature of viruses. Symantec is particularly fast at providing removal tools should you ever get a virus or worm infesting your computer.

What is a removal tool? Well simply put it is a simple software that will scan your computer for infections, and then remove them from your machine. You most often need this if your machine got infected BEFORE you installed antivirus software.

Top Considerations for PC Protection

And the final and most important two things to do to keep your computer clean and make sure it does not spread viruses to other computers…

Install a Firewall

If you use a broadband/high-speed method to access the internet, you need to get a firewall. A firewall is a program that defends your computer from hackers who attempt to gain direct access to your computer over the Internet. There is a very good firewall program called ZoneAlarm that will do the trick if you use Windows.

Install and use a high-quality anti-virus program.

This is the key to protecting your computer. Buy one of the major anti-virus programs – Norton Anti-Virus, PC-Cillin, or McAfee Anti-Virus. The primary benefit of the commercial packages is the frequency and ease of updating the virus definition files that these programs use to detect viruses. With new viruses popping up all the time, unless your protection software is kept updated, you start to become ever more vulnerable to infection.

Get immediate protection.

Configure your anti-virus software to launch automatically on start-up and run at all times. This will provide you back-up protection in case you forget to scan an attachment, or decide not to. And in case you forget to load up your anti-virus software, configuring it to start by itself will ensure you get immediate protection anyway. The top antivirus software programs all do this (but only if you have one installed on your computer). You do have current antivirus software installed right? If not, you can go to this page for more information on why you need antivirus software and how easy it is to use.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Free fonts

Font image

Free fonts ar amongst the foremost fashionable downloads for entry level and skilled graphic designers and typographers. they'll offer how for designers to precise themselves unambiguously while not having to form a replacement font themselves or pay lots of cash buying a high priced professionally designed font to be used one time or doubly.

Aside from downloadable free fonts, there are numerous fonts that are available by default on all modern computers. Microsoft bundles a set of commonly used fonts with their Windows operating systems, as does Apple with OS X and many of the purveyors of Linux distros.

However, for more unique fonts, downloadable is the only way to go. Some of the most popular sites for free downloadable fonts include the following:

1001 Free Fonts, a site that offers far more than 1001 fonts, is currently one of the most popular sites for people looking to download free fonts. They offer fonts for both Windows and Mac OS X operating systems.

Dafont, a site that has grown in the past few years is now one of the largest destinations for free fonts. They seem to update more quickly than other sites, offer comments for each of their fonts, and they offer fonts for both Windows and Mac OS X operating systems.

Urbanfonts, a site that has a distinctly Web 2.0 style design and offers both free and commercial fonts (for a fee). Like 1001 Free Fonts and Dafont, Urbanfonts offers free fonts for both the Windows and the Mac OS X operating systems.

Are Free Fonts Worth the Download?

There are two distinct camps when it comes to free fonts. On one hand, many professional graphic designers believe that the only fonts worth downloading are those that are designed by professionals or those which have been crafted for a particular project.

However, for many entry level graphic designers and amateur typographers, free fonts can be a great way to learn about what makes a good font and can provide a number of impressive accents to their work.

The main problem with so many free fonts, though, is that they are modeled after fonts that have been engrained into the populace’s mind, making them useless for most semi-professional projects and all professional projects.

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Protect Your Computer From Malicious Intent

Malicious intent
There area unit many sorts of malware, malicious software system designed to disrupt the conventional use of your laptop. Some sorts of malware area unit merely nuisances to the one sitting behind the keyboard whereas others will really hurt or destroy the pc itself. Another threat expose by malware is that the invasion of your privacy and it's the potential to cause you wide personal and/or money hurt. Most sorts of malware tumble your laptop via internet browsing, instant electronic communication, or peer-to-peer file sharing. Malware may be a self-inflicted injury. you are doing it to yourself by mistreatment the web. many of us use the subsequent terms interchangeably however there area unit definite variations within the sorts of infections you'll “catch” on your laptop.

SPYWARE — Spyware is a program that has been downloaded, usually unbeknownst to you, because it can be piggy-backed with some other type of desired program, usually freeware or shareware. Once this spyware is secretly installed on your computer it can do such things as change computer settings, track viewed websites, collect passwords, history and private information, and can even record your keystrokes. This information is then sent back to the program’s originator or to a third party. Spyware is extremely difficult to eradicate.

A particularly annoying type of spyware is called adware which generates a tremendous amount of advertising in the form of pop-up advertisements or banners scrolling across your screen. This program can actually track your activities and cause similar ads to pop up hoping to interest you in related products. It can be quite intrusive and distracting but hardly as malicious as other types of spyware.

VIRUSES — A computer virus, also rides on the coat-tails of other programs when downloaded, and can reproduce and run itself when the host program is executed. It can infect and corrupt files and sometimes causes hard drives to ‘crash’ depending on its design. A virus can infect other computers through the sending of email and/or file exchanges.

WORM — A worm is a self-contained program that can replicate itself and uses a network to infect other systems on your computer. Depending on how the worm was designed, it can secretly send documents though email and even delete necessary files. Unlike a virus which causes harm to the computer and its files, a worm causes harm to other computers on the network and consumes bandwidth, thus slowing down your environment.

SPAM — Spam is electronic junk mail, usually unsolicited. It uses up tremendous amounts of network bandwidth. Spam is usually trying to sell you some product or service and is sent to generated mailing lists and newsgroups. Though it cannot cause you or your computer much harm, it is extremely annoying and time consuming to delete. It is estimated that more than 60% of all email on the internet is spam.

WHAT CAN YOU DO? — Visiting Geeks technicians strongly urge all owners to install an anti-virus software program on their computers. We also recommend at least one anti-spyware program, if not more than one. Depending on Internet usage, you should set both programs to automatically scan on a regular basis. These programs can actually find and remove unwanted “infections” and can also prevent their future installations. It isn’t enough, however, to simply install these programs and think yourself entirely protected thereafter, because new spyware and viruses are constantly being designed. You must update your anti-spyware and anti-virus programs daily in order to pick up on these newest threats.

Though no one program can be relied on to keep your computer completely clear of sypware and viruses, there are many reputable anti-spyware and anti-virus programs available on today’s market. When our customers need an anti-spyware program our technicians install Counter Spy by Sunbelt Software. For those customers with no anti-virus we will install PC-Cillin Internet Security by Trend Micro which even has the added benefit of Parental Control Features.

It is much easier to prevent your computer from being infected with these above-mentioned malware than it is to try to get rid of them, so browse the internet wisely. To clean a computer of unwanted spyware and viruses can be a costly and lengthy process. “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure,” so the saying goes.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

About USB

USB icon

USB (Universal Serial Bus) has revolutionized the way we connect peripherals to our computers. Replacing standard serial connections, USB has become the standard for connecting everything from printers to fans to toys to memory drives. With advancements in modern operating systems, USB devices are almost always easy to install. These devices are low power, reliable, and versatile.

In this article, we will explore some of the benefits of USB devices and how to make using USB devices even more convenient.

Ever since Windows 98, USB devices have been automatically detected when plugged in. The computer’s operating system will automatically try to find the drivers needed for the device and install them. If the drivers can not be found, a simple google search will often pull up what is needed.

The devices you choose are up to you and what you are trying to accomplish. Many people have very standard USB devices like printers, a mouse, keyboard, etc. These are great, but what if you want to do more with that little rectangular port? Fortunately, there are a lot of options out there.

One thing many people find useful is a USB snake light. These flexible lights plug right in and can provide your nighttime work area with a little light to help you see the keyboard and your work area. Getting even more wacky, USB toys such as small anti-coworker missile launchers, shavers, and more.

If you plan on having many USB devices at once, it is a good idea to get a hub. Not only will this give you more ports than what your computer provides on its own, but it will allow you to provide your devices with more reliable power. This is because many USB hubs are externally powered. With many USB devices hooked up to your computer, sometimes you can get power surges or other power problems, and these are never good for the delicate electronics inside USB devices. A powered hub alleviates this problem and makes sure your devices are getting clean, constant power – especially power hogs like USB-connected disk drives.

Sometimes you may want to share one USB device with many computers. There are several ways that you can accomplish this. One way is to use a device server. Device servers make your USB device available to anyone on a network. This a great solution for a printer that is used by more than one person in an office or home.

The main drawback of USB device servers is their cost. These servers are not cheap as they combine a USB hub and network connectivity in one box. Still, despite the cost they are the best choice for some people.

Another solution is to use a USB peripheral switch. These switches work locally between two or more computers and allow you to switch your devices between those computers. You could, for example, connect a printer to a peripheral switch and then connect the peripheral switch to two computers. Computer “A” can print transparently through the switch without any problems. When computer “B” is ready to print, the switch is simply activated and now that station is connected to the printer.

A switch is great for people who don’t need the solution of a full blown server, but still need to share USB devices. They are expandable and reliable. Many switches are even automatic. They will switch between the connected computers whenever one tries to access the USB device and the user will never need to touch a thing.

USB peripheral switches are a good choice because they are inexpensive and reliable. They start at around a third of the price as a USB device server and often solve the same problems. USB peripheral switches are also available with ports for several devices or several computers, depending on what is needed.

No matter what you situation, there are always solutions out there for you. USB peripheral switches and USB device servers will help you solve many USB device sharing problems around the home, home office, or small business.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Best Passwords

Best Passwords
Someone reading your email or login in to your Facebook account. Or for that matter some other person using her password and breaking into a financial institution. You should, therefore, choose a strong, secure password in such a manner that would be a hard nut to crack for others and easy for you to remember. The more random and mixed-up you make it, the harder it is for others to crack. Mind you, if your password is compromised, the password crackers will even take over your identity.

A password, if too short, is vulnerable to attack if an attacker gets hold of the cryptographic hash of the password. Present-day computers are fast enough to try all alphabetic passwords shorter than seven characters. We can call a password weak if it is short or is a default, or which can be rapidly guessed by searching a subset of all possible passwords such as words in the dictionary, proper names, words based on the user name or common variations on these themes.

On the other hand, a strong password would be sufficiently long, random, or which can be produced only by the user who chose it, so that ‘guessing’ for it will require too long a time.

For maximum security, the user should follow some simple guidelines:

1) Passwords should preferably be at least 8 characters long and not more than 14.

2) Passwords should contain a mix of numbers, letters, and special characters (%&3ac_ht4@m7).

3) Passwords should not contain a dictionary word from any dictionary, be it French, Spanish, medical, etc.

4) Each password should be different from the user’s User-ID and any permutation of that User-ID.

5) New passwords and old passwords should differ by at least 3 characters.

6) Avoid picking names or nicknames of people, pets, or places, or personal information that can be easily found out, such as your birthday, address etc.

7) It’s wise to stay away from common keyboard sequences, such as dfgh678 or abc345 .

8) Never form a password by appending a digit to a word. That can be easily guessed.

9) Avoid writing your password down or storing it on your computer.

10) Never share your password with anyone else.

Copied with permission from:

Thursday, January 22, 2015

buying inkjet cartridges

With the arrival of information technology, an increasing number of humans are shopping for and the use of computer systems. this is because computers facilitate and accelerate all the sports and transactions of most corporations.

at the side of the computer systems, the printers are also one of the busiest tools which can be being used by the people. hence, with steady use, inks may start to decline. while this takes place, the outcome of the published materials could be terrible. it can appear discolored and dull.

That is why most experts contend that it is extremely important for most computer owners to use the right inkjet cartridges. Using the proper materials for your printer will promote better and quality prints.

However, choosing the right inkjet cartridges for your printer can be a daunting task. Hence, it is important that you know some guides when buying inkjet cartridges to ensure the quality of print output that you want to achieve.

Here is a list that you can use in buying inkjet cartridges:

1. Do not buy standard inkjet cartridges

Inkjet cartridges of this kind will only damage the “nozzles” of your printers. This is because standard inkjet cartridges may not fit the nozzles of your printer.

Generally, inkjet cartridges have their own sizes that are specifically made to fit a particular printer. Hence, using the wrong size will definitely ruin your printer’s nozzles.

2. Be wary on the warranty

Most of the printers come with a warranty. However, there are some cases that might void this warranty like using inkjet cartridges that are manufactured by a different producer.

So if you want to continue using the warranty, it is best that you buy inkjet cartridges that are manufactured by the same maker of your printer. Cheap Printer Ink Cartridges

3. Be wary of buying inkjet cartridges online

Today, online shopping can do great wonders, especially because it gives you the convenience of purchasing a product without having to go to the shop.

However, if you will buy inkjet cartridges online, there are some dangers that might go with it. For instance, frauds and scams are lurking in the Internet today. Hence, you might be buying an inkjet cartridge that is of low quality or of the wrong specifications, different from what they advertise online, of course.

So it is extremely important to be sure of the inkjet cartridges that you are going to buy online and make sure that you can ask for a refund or an exchange for the item if in case you were satisfied with it. Ink Cartridge

4. Consider the price

When buying inkjet cartridges, it is best to consider the price of the items. They may vary from one shop to another. Hence, it is important to shop around and compare so as to get the best buy. Just be sure that you get the same kind of inkjet cartridge with the same manufacturer.

If you cannot afford to buy original inkjet cartridges, you can opt for refills. Just try to look for quality refilling stations that will give you the same quality ink as that of the original one. Printer Ink Cartridges

Indeed, buying inkjet cartridges could be very tricky, and yet, it is not that complicated as well. The only important thing to remember is the model, size, and the manufacturer of your printer’s inkjet cartridges. Given all that, you are ready to make the best inkjet cartridge purchases.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Customizing Your Computer With Preferences

Making Your Computer Work with You – Not Against You
Even though you probably did not layout or construct your pc, you may flip it right into a tool that responds for your way of the use of it as if you were its original engineer or programmer. this is because the computer is a mere platform – a blank canvas, if you'll – ready which will direct its operation or paint the picture of the ideal machine. All that is feasible from making only a few adjustments on your laptop’s contemporary configuration.

Your computer’s main configurations are housed in Windows Control Panel. Within this small section of Windows, you can make some major changes from the way that your computer looks to the way that your computer responds to the people who use it. But your specifications don’t just apply to Windows, they also apply to the many software programs that are installed onto the computer (not to mention that many software programs can be further customized through their own configurations). We aren’t going to cover them all, but we will introduce some of the most popular so that you can get a feel of the control over your system that these configurations give you.

Users. Before we get into the individual settings, it’s important that you understand that each set of configurations you make is specific to the users that sit down in front of a computer. Changes made to a system by one person will differ from the changes made by another. Enabled by a username and password, individual desktop settings (icons, background picture, and other settings) are available after logging onto Windows.

Display Properties. Through Display Properties, a user can change the background of the Windows Desktop, add a screensaver, change the overall color scheme and fonts of Windows, and adjust a computer’s color depth and/or resolution (screen area). Not just a bunch of preference settings, display properties help individuals who have to deal with visual problems.

Accessibility Options. Speaking of visual problems, another setting that’s useful is accessibility options. This setting allows people with disabilities to use a computer that accommodates vision and hearing problems.

Keyboard and Mouse Options. The keyboard and mouse controls give users the option of speeding up or slowing down the movements of both of these peripherals. For those entering the United States from a foreign country, users will appreciate how Windows grants use of keyboard layouts native to their original language. Other uses will appreciate the different selection of cursors and the ability to add additional ones.

Passwords. Since the computer in use may be shared with others, Passwords gives the almighty administrator the means to determine whether all users will share the same preferences and desktop settings or if users can customize preferences and desktop settings.

Regional Settings. Things get really personal in Regional Settings – as this configuration makes changes according to a user’s location and language. Options available can accommodate a person’s preference for the display of numbers, currency, time, and date format.

Sounds Properties. Multimedia fans can create a rich PC environment filled with sound through this setting. Sounds can be assigned to numerous events and they don’t even need to be the default sounds installed by Windows. Users can download sounds from the Internet or create their own sounds with a microphone.

Dialing Properties. Even the way a user connects to the Internet can be customized. Through Dialing Properties, users can determine how a phone and modem dials into an Internet service provider.

From just these basic configuration options, you can create your own experience with a computer each time you sit down in front of one. Customizing your PC is what makes using a computer truly unique and enjoyable, so have fun and build a situation at home or a work in which you’ll love to work with everyday. Should you feel a little nervous about it at first, remember that your computer’s original configuration can be saved to a back up file should you ever want to restore it to the same state that it was in when you first bought it.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Buying A New Computer

buy new computer

Purchasing a home computer can be one of the most nerve-wracking experiences if you don’t do your homework first. Since most of us are non-technical, wading through all of the specifications and deciding what is right can be overwhelming.

While price is important, there are many other factors that should be considered when purchasing a computer. Doing research before entering your local office supply or computer store will help you from spending more than you wanted to and also get you the best deal on the quality that you need.

Spend some time thinking about how your computer will be used. Make a list of what needs that this computer will need to fill.

What software is an absolute necessity?

Will you need non-standard hardware like a scanner or fax in addition to your computer?

Are you more interested in word processing or gaming or both?

Thinking about what function your computer serves for all the members of your family will help you narrow down your choices.

After you’ve determined what function your computer serves in your life and the life of your family you will want to consider the speed of your new computer.

The Central Processing Unit or CPU is the brain of your computer. The CPU is the largest contributor to the overall speed of your computer. It controls all of the functions and capabilities that your computer will have.

The newest computers come with CPUs that range from 1.6 GHz to 3.2 GHz. If you are involved in graphics or want to play high-resolution computer games, you need the highest GHz that you can afford.

Another consideration is the memory or virtual storage space of your new computer. While computers are available with 128 MB of memory, you’ll want to have at least 256 MB on your machine. Memory is essential to achieving maximum speed and performance from your computer. It is recommended that you purchase your new computer with as much memory as you can get for the best price.

Memory upgrades can cost as little as $30, so if you need to build your system slowly over time it is certainly a viable option. You can always add more memory, but you can’t replace the CPU and increase your processing speed. If you have to choose between the two, go with a higher GHz processor and add more memory as you can.

The monitor can make a big difference in your enjoyment of your new computer. Although most people just accept whatever monitor comes with a computer package. However, it really does deserve more consideration.

Size is the most important factor. If you go any smaller than 17 inches, you may end up spending most of your time squinting and causing yourself unnecessary eyestrain. If you can upgrade your monitor to something larger, go for at least a 19-inch monitor.

Another option you may want to consider is getting a wireless mouse and keyboard. Going wireless with these necessary pieces of equipment will help to pare down the cords beneath your computer desk.

There are a ton of other options you need to consider when purchasing a new computer. It’s a good idea to ask people you know what types of options have worked well for them. Also, you do not need to purchase the very latest in computers. The best value is usually found with a computer that was brand new and the fastest thing going 6 months to one year ago. That is where you are likely to get the most bang for the buck. I hope this little guide has been helpful to you for buying your next computer.

Friday, January 2, 2015

How Viruses Contaminate Your Computer

Viruses are little bits of software that normally have a negative impact on our computers when they are activated. Usually viruses are attached onto other software programs (games, disk utilities, office documents/Macros, screen-savers), and are activated when these normally harmless programs are started.

A virus is inactive until the infected program is run or an infected boot record on a floppy/CD is read. When the virus is activated it loads into your computer’s memory where it can perform its nasty job or spread itself to other programs on your system or computers in your network.

Floppy disks used in an infected system (or CD-Roms/DVDs burned on an infected system) can then carry the virus to another machine. Programs downloaded from USENET, or file-sharing programs (Kazaa, Morpheus, Limewire etc.) can also spread a virus. More frequently now, email is also becoming a favourite way to spread viruses, Trojan horses and especially internet worms.

It should be made clear, that USENET and file-sharing programs do not create viruses or infected files in any way. It is certain anti-social people who create viruses, and then use these services to spread the infected files to other users on the system.

This is very similar to cars and highways in that Ford, Toyota or the highway makers do not cause traffic accidents, it is the idiot who got drunk and then drove who causes a 14 car pileup. Of course if there weren’t cars or highways there wouldn’t be an accident… then again, the idiot would still be getting smashed and driving his horse-carriage into the store window.

When you get a virus on your computer, it can erase everything that you have on your hard drive. Each virus is different – some of them come up as strange messages on your screen, while others just work at eroding the files on the computer. A virus just doesn’t appear in your computer – you have to put them there, usually by running program from the Internet that contain viruses. They sometimes come from attachments in emails. It is possible that an email from a friend could contain a virus if that person’s computer is infected. With anti-virus software installed on your computer, this will tell you whether or not it is safe to open the email with a message such as “No virus detected in incoming mail:

When you do get a virus through programs or mail, it hides in your computer and when you save data in the computer, you also save the virus. Then it starts to infect all the other files in your computer. When you send files to a friend or co-worker, you also send the virus to his/her computer. After a while the virus starts to crowd the data in your files and causes major problems with the system, such that you may not even be able to open important documents or you may not be able to open any of the programs on the computer. The virus won’t affect the memory of your computer, but it will affect any disks that you use to save your work.